Favourite Links.... well links which seem kind of appropriate to the site.... whatever.

the Gang

The Dumb Stuff

Dumbass 2002

Dumb Guestbook



Ok, here are some links which you may like to use to discover further the ways of the dumbass... enjoy my friends (and even those of you who seem not to like me... oh well)

The List
Walster 2002 The official site of the dumbass Shaun Walster
Wol 2002 The official site of Colin Latham.... the dumbass.
Woody's Mansion Woody the dumbasses site... click the link to visit 'da mansion'
Usher 2 Bummer This site is so Gay. So woody... no way can this be for all genders! pure Dumbass power!

Clone Jesus ://: a Vex Red website Graham's Vex Red website... just check it out!
Kurt Is A God - Nirvana Grahams other site about the greatest band ever, NIRVANA. Very popular within rings of Nirvana fans...
Emu Man This is dead funny! a grown man dressed as an Emu!
The Puke-Club This is quite sick... wel what do you expect? guys puking up for fun!
Dumbass Power! An American site about some dumbass kids... nowhere near as good as ours!
More Dumbass Power! This is the 'sister' site so to speak of the one above. Very similar in deed.
Online Idiot Hell cool site! you gotta like the videos. Jump Off a Roof... "you know its going to hurt, dont you?"
Rather Good The undisputed lair of the crab... it is exactly what it says in the address!


Compiled by Graham as he has nothing better to do with his life.