The original Dumbass from 'back in the day' 2002.
We were going to take all the old stuff down but i thought it would be fun to leave all the pictures links available for y'all to laugh at.
The First Night 26-03-2002 Shaun.jpg This is Shaun. He had a strange urge to smack a piece of wood over his head. So he did it. End of story.... but it did lead to something else! craig shaun and jord.jpg
After about 5 attempts every one is getting angry with the delay flash on the camera and things turn kinda Ugly (check out Craig - he looks a very unhappy chappy). Jordans head hurts as well, but i still manage to convice them to try one more time. Rory, Jordan and Craig......... last (7th) attempt.jpg
This was the final attempt at getting the headsmack thing right and it happened just more or less perfect. This photo shows how tense the situatian was moments before impact. look at the concerntration in the eyes of those watching....getting ready for what would happen next! Rory, Jordan and Craig...last (7th) attempt Part 2
This was it! it may have not got the exact moment of impact but...
- Smile! at the exceitment on Rory's face.
- Pity! Jordan for recieving so much pain... You know it hurt - look at his face!
- Rejoice! with Craig in his moment of excellence!
* Maybe I overdid that last bit too much... Nevermind Richard + Shaun & Jordan running.jpg
After the exceitment of the headsmacking we all decieded to jump in Woody's next-door neighbours hedges. This was very fun. As I was taking part i didn't actually manage to get a picture but I did get this one of the guys runing away.
The Second Day 27-03-2002
during our time concerntrated on being total dumbasses. We may have alarmed many young children and old age pensioners with our antics, but hey! its worth it!! - comment from original page.